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Industrial coating refers to the application of protective material over wiring and other important equipment in order to ensure that it stays safe from harmful materials.
Teflon is one of the most commonly used materials when it comes to industrial coating. There are several benefits of using Teflon for industrial coating. Some of these benefits include:

Non stick surface

Teflon is extremely popular because of its non-stick feature. Sticky surface can be quite inconvenient especially if you are involved in the business of manufacturing cooking products.
It can completely ruin the product because of which these people prefer to buy products that have Teflon industrial coating. The liquid does not accumulate on the surface of the machine and instead just slides off.
You might want to know that the coefficient of friction on Teflon products also happens to be really low, because of which it is very easy for you to move machines.

Highly resistant

Another great feature of Teflon is the fact that it has high resistance to heat as well as water. This ensures that the material stays clean. It also prevents water from becoming saturated. You can simply wipe down the surface with a cloth. It does not take a lot of time and does not leave behind any kind of debris.
Teflon also has high resistance to heat. It can withstand the temperature of up to 260° Celsius. Due to its high resistance, Teflon is the ideal material in tasks, which involve use of excessive heat.
The process of industrial coating involves multiple steps, which include:

  • Primer
  • Full Coating
  • Sealant

You need to know that Teflon is an ideal sealing material. It is a strong electrical insulator and does not dissipate very easily. The level of frequency varies in different industrial applications because of which you need a highly resistant industrial coating material like Teflon.

It is not prone to chemicals

Chemicals can adversely affect the product. In some cases, they can also be quite dangerous. Teflon coating can be beneficial in this regard since chemicals do not easily affect it. It acts like a filter and prevents harmful elements in the chemical from causing any kind of damage.
You need to know that Teflon refers to multiple materials, which are all made of fluoropolymers. These include:

  • PFA
  • PTFE
  • FEP

All of these materials have different characteristics and you need to identify which one best fits your needs. Get in touch with us. We offer a wide collection of Teflon products, which include:

Contact us at 610-692-2576.

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