Custom Heat Shrink Fluoropolymers

Just as with custom extruded tubing Tef Cap Industries can manufacture Heat Shrinkable Fluoropolymer Tubing to meet your products specifications. Heat Shrinkable Tubing is available off the shelf as a 1.25:1, 1.3:1 , 1.6:1, 2:1 and 4:1 shrink ratios and will cover almost any product size on the market. However even with this many choices some sizes are still over looked or simply the off the shelf item just does not work for you.
To tight and you can not get the part completely on, to loose and you get wrinkles when you try and shrink, to short and the material shrinks in length exposing the wires, to long and well that’s just wasteful and expensive. Just a few minutes and some simple questions our engineers can offer you a solution to your problems and do it while keeping the costs and minimum runs down.
With over 50 years of Fluoropolymer experience that stretch back to the emergence of resins such as PTFE, FEP and PFA founder John F. Walls has pushed his employees and propelled his company to become a top competitor in the Fluoroplastic field. From simple extrusions to custom heat shrinkable FEP & PTFE Tef Cap Industries prides itself on not only being a global tubing supplier but also a one stop shop for all your Fluoropolymer secondary processes.
Helping customers
- Shorten down times on costly machines
- Eliminate waste
- Lower material and production costs
- Improve efficiency
Most important
- Improve your bottom line